
For sale is a stilbite on chalcedony, from India. Its not often that I get excited these days over an India zeolite. This one thou, grabbed me from my very first siting. A wonderful terminated stalactite, with the core made up of sparkling deep green, rope chalcedony, the green is possibly caused by chlorite inclusions, but I really don’t know. The stalactite is adorned with pristine sharp, and somewhat jumbled stilbite crystals, ranging in color from transparent clear, to a light salmon. Just stunning

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Product Description

For sale is a stilbite on chalcedony, from India. Its not often that I get excited these days over an India zeolite. This one thou, grabbed me from my very first siting. A wonderful terminated stalactite, with the core made up of sparkling deep green, rope chalcedony, the green is possibly caused by chlorite inclusions, but I really don’t know. The stalactite is adorned with pristine sharp, and somewhat jumbled stilbite crystals, ranging in color from transparent clear, to a light salmon. Just stunning. Ex Tony West collection. Please remember our prices are in Australian dollars.


109 x 30 x 25mm.