For sale is a “selwynite’ from Heathcote, Vic. These specimen, uncommon today, are to me quite revealing. Selwynite was discover about 125 years ago, its is pretty easily recognizable as such. The name has been in use for this rock since the time of discovery, when it was thought to be a new mineral. Many many years later this was proved incorrect. Well a few years ago the International Board that allocates mineral names to new minerals, decided to name a recently discovered , mineral from Victoria, Selwynite. To me this action was nothing short of silly. Not recognizing the long local usage of this name is, too me poor at best.
Product Description
For sale is a “selwynite’ from Heathcote, Vic. These specimen, uncommon today, are to me quite revealing. Selwynite was discover about 125 years ago, its is pretty easily recognizable as such. The name has been in use for this rock since the time of discovery, when it was thought to be a new mineral. Many many years later this was proved incorrect. Well a few years ago the International Board that allocates mineral names to new minerals, decided to name a recently discovered , mineral from Victoria, Selwynite. To me this action was nothing short of silly. Not recognizing the long local usage of this name is, too me poor at best.
74 x 54 x 50mm