
For sale is a duckbilled selenite from Canada. Super-gemmy, golden twin of selenite on a complete ball of small twined selenite crystals.  The protruding crystals are twinned in the classic duckbill form. All crystals have the highest lustre. This is a truly outstanding example both in size, quality and esthetics of these classic Canadian specimens. Under  365 w.l.  UV light, this beautiful selenite crystal fluoresces brightish white. In addition, it phosphoresces after the UV light is turned off, a beautiful light green, with slowly fades away!

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Product Description

For sale is a duckbilled selenite from Canada. Super-gemmy, golden twin of selenite on a complete ball of small twined selenite crystals.  The protruding crystals are twinned in the classic duckbill form. All crystals have the highest lustre. This is a truly outstanding example both in size, quality and esthetics of these classic Canadian specimens. Under  365 w.l.  UV light, this beautiful selenite crystal fluoresces brightish white. In addition, it phosphoresces after the UV light is turned off, a beautiful light green, with slowly fades away!   This is way way nicer in person.  Please remember our prices are in Australian dollars.


98 x 80 x 55mm.