We have a largish group of pearly white translucent anglesite crystals, from Broken Hill, NSW, thou hard to capture in the pics this specimen is undamaged and fully crystallized.
Product Description
We have a largish group of pearly white translucent anglesite crystals, from Broken Hill, NSW, thou hard to capture in the pics this specimen is undamaged and fully crystallized. A quote from Fabre minerals, best describes this specimen “Irregular aggregate of translucent and bright prismatic crystals with very well defined faces and edges. We note that Anglesite, in well developed crystals, is a quite rare species at this locality.” I would add these crystals have the occasional blue/green inclusions, quite uncommon, Chlorargyrite is a remote possibility. As well as some small black inclusions, probably coronadite. This all sits of a natural flat base, which in itself deserves further study using magnification, a brief look appears to show some cerussite, something that appears to be serperite, and a dark metallic unknown, plus, all interesting. We obtained this specimen from Bernie Williams a Broken Hill miner, about 18 years ago. Rare material!
47 x 39 x 30mm.